Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm not shy!

I was so excited for my big girl because I never experienced a photo taking when I was in school on her age.So,I bought her a new outfit the day before so she will be glad and she can smile good on the camera.I don't want her to feel self pity liked the feeling I felt before when I was growing.I never had a self confidence.I didn't able to do what I was capable of just because I was so shy and locked of encouragement.So,now at least I learned a lesson from myself and I can apply it to my kids base on my experienced.Most cases happened for a reason and I'm very thankful to God for giving me the life what I have now.

My daughter's first day at school

My big girl was so excited on her first day of school.This is her first time to go to school and meet a lot of friends and mangle with different races.Being a mom,it is my first time to take my kid to school too.It had changed a lot of me.That night I started reading my daughter a book and thankfully reading to her a book made her built up her interest in reading and learning more.That moment on,she won't sleep without me reading her something.She gets up early for school because she likes to be to first student in the line.Her little sis seems like her which is good.

Turning to be a "Birl Girl".

My daughter was celebrating her 5th birthday without her daddy for being away at Afghanistan.Her Aunt Marlene came to visit us just to be with her on her birthday and to spend time with the little AJ too.She has few guests on her party and she opened a lot of presents,the part of a party that she loved the most.After the party,her and her Aunt went to a foot salon and the birthday girl came home with a wooden jewelry box.She said the owner gave it to her as a gift.It is so cute.So,I diplayed at home in my room.Hehehehe!!!!!!

Daddy doll

Right before my husband left to Afghanistan,he took a photo of his face and he did a close capture.I didn't know what he was doing and what's the purposed of it not until he left and I was trying to find a good pic.of him to put on the the face of the army dolls for the kids.It's so perfect and the girls loved it.They sleep with it every night and give it a kiss and hug while saying "goodnight daddy!".It's a heart touching when I hear them say it.Actually,I sent him a copy of the mentioned photo.They showed in the photo how much they love their daddy and they wish for him to come home safe.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The whole family on July 4th

This was taken on July 4th on post. We were waiting to get dark for the fireworks show to get started.The kids had fun that day. They tried the pony ride,ate a cotton candy which is most kids love to have.When the show was started,the kids were squealing with excitement as they're watching the fireworks in the sky.They were so amazed by the view up above them.It was almost middle of the night when we got home but it was worth it because my little ones enjoyed every moment we were there.

We're back with Daddy

After a year of living at SC with my husband's aunt,we came back and our family were complete again.The kids,specially my elder one missed him so much.She was hungry for daddy's attention for long time.So,daddy were trying his best to spend his free time with the kids.Sometimes they played a pillow fight.It's kind a rough game but the kids loved it.During the weekend,daddy took the whole family to Coldstone and grabbed some ice scream.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Back in SC

Myself and the kids went to SC and lived with my husband's Aunt's place for a year.Here I was, trying to teach my eldest daughter how to use the camera so she can able to take a good photo.

It's so Bright!!!!!!!!!

After 6hours in labor,she finally came out.Phew!that was a rough time and my honey knew it.I felt so relieved.The good thing was my husband were there and my eldest daughter during my labor.

Fat but Happy

This photo showed me how fat I was when I was pregnant of my second child.I had a gestational diabetes like on my first pregnancy.I was trying not to eat too much sweets and drink plenty of water.The traumatic part on my pregnancy was the last three months when I was taking the insulin and I had to use the big needle and plus the small ones to check my blood sugar at least five times everyday.

Vegas Trip

We're getting ready to go up the road on the way to WA for my husband's next station.We're so tired that night and plus it was freezing cold outside so we decided to stay in our room.We didn't even get to go out the hotel where we stayed to see the beautiful lights and views in Vegas.Well,atleast I can say I've been there once.Hehehehehe!Oh,and my daughter as well.

Chicken Dance with Dora and Boots

This was taken on April 2007 at Carowinds in NC.This trip was one of my unforgetable moments in my life.I felt like I wanna be a child again.I am hoping one day,my family can go back there and enjoy the rides except the drop zone.That was the scarriest ride I've ever been on.